Key Insights for a Post-COVID People and Culture Strategy
* Jim Matthewman - CEO, Talent Springboard
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As organisations reset their Corporate and People Strategies for 2021-2025, we need to bring a new set of insights to the Leadership Table. Jim focuses on how organisations can track the impact of their D&I goals, how empathetic leadership will deliver enhanced employee engagement, and how to measure the proactive benefits of proactive wellbeing.
2020 brought seismic changes on three fronts:
- The Digital Dash
- Major Generational Change
- Reset of Workplace to Workspace as we adopt hybrid or blended working
All have significant People consequences requiring new analytics and insights. Jim brings his Strategic and Global experience to focus on three key themes which have major impact on Business and People Strategies over the next 6 to 18 months:
- How organisations can track the impact of their Diversity and Inclusion goals
- How emphatic and vulnerable leadership mindsets can deliver enhanced - Employee Experience, trust and contribution
- How wellbeing programmes can move from reactive EAP support to a new positive driver of your Employer Choice Strategy.
Key takeaways:
- The business impact of an engaging People and Culture Strategy - going beyond the words to concrete actions
- Creating tangible insights beyond measurement
- Making D&I, enhanced Employee Experience and Wellbeing core pillars of the New Future of Work
- Chief People & Culture Officers, HR Directors, HR Business Partners, People Strategy, People Analytics Specialists
Expertise: Intermediate
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