Measuring Relationships and Impact Using People Analytics
* Adam McKinnon - People Data and Analytics Lead, Reece Group
Watch a preview here:
A series of case studies demonstrating the use of people analytics to understand relationships and quantify impact in HR settings.
- A practical demonstration of the application of people analytics (i.e., statistical methods and machine learning) to address definitive business questions.
- Demonstrating how to use various methods to add practical value to HR and Non-HR decision makers.
- Strengths and weakness of the approaches--no sugar coating!
This session will explore:
- Measuring impact of HR initiatives over time
- Measuring the impact of different HR initiatives
- Understanding the relationships between performance objectives and performance ratings
- Forecasting absenteeism to optimise contract staff scheduling
Key takeaways:
- Practical examples of the application of different methods (statistical and ML) to apply in varying practical settings
- A practical demonstration of processes and technologies employed
- Thinking creatively about ways to measure the impact of HR activities
Up Next in Career
Inclusive, High-Performance Dashboard...
* Teneika Askew, former Head of People Analytics, Mozilla
When designing a dashboard, are you prioritising accessibility and performance, or aesthetics?
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Effective Data Visualisation in Excel
* Jonathon Schwabish - Founder, PolicyViz
Watch a preview here:
Everyone who works with data needs to communicate their findings, their analysis, and their conclusions. It could be in an internal briefing or memo, a management report, an annual report...
Programar en R en RRHH
* Sergio Garcia Mora, Data 4HR
R es uno de los lenguajes más usados en el mundo de Ciencia de Datos y habitualmente se lo asocia a conceptos de machine learning, algoritmos y análisis estadístico, sin embargo, también ofrece muchas soluciones para la práctica de Recursos Humanos, como la automat...